
Kate and Dianulli #1

letter to nowhere:


The book comes along.  I remember telling you there was no organization to the material; that I was swimming around in confusing diary entries and stories about things that I couldn't imagine having happened, but all of that changed last week when Molly got frustrated and just handed over the chapter list.  Here it is:

1. baby solipsis
2. something cold
3. something warm
4. the magic garden
5. katherine's song
6. the prince of knives and scrolls
7. the princess of bones
8. mother perdition
9. murder
10. molly fucking maker
11. the jade house
12. the red queen wins
13. the black storm
14. aunt umbra
15. lliddu and claxis and katie and poe and breakfast with a gingerbread dragon
16. what francis did
17. a boy and his monster
18. calliope dances

I wonder how long she's been sitting on this.  Has she told you anything about it?  She's still not talking and I'm not going to force her to do anything.  Anyway her help here is most comforting and welcome.  I was starting to think I'd never be able to finish this beast and of course, no one's help is usually forthcoming.  You're not in it, by the way.  Do you remember Wilde saying "If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you"?  I can't find anything funny about your part in this, Dianulli.

By the way, do you know who that English guy is?  Is he even English at all?  He sounds like Michael Caine, which I find weirdly calming.  I keep thinking Jasper from "Children of Men".  Maybe that's what he wants me to think.  Obviously someone is playing with me, right?  Molly can't make any new ones, can she?  I think she thinks she can.  But I think she's cheating and not copping to it.

I hope this letter finds you well; you've been out of touch for so long. I know you're still there-- I can taste it in the water. Why so quiet?  Please write back.



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