
Kate and Dianulli #2

from the desk of Dianulli
letter to nowhere

Dear Katherine,

Lovely to hear from you darling, as it always is. The chapter list is most definitely it.  It has reflections of rain and wet leaves and expensive wine and that heavy, clunky jewelery you love so much. Molly gave you the real one, I am very pleased to tell you.

I'm so sorry I've been out of touch, though it's pleasing to hear you can still taste me in the water. We do our best to remain "implicit", a term I remember you liking.  My sleep continues unabated, and I think I shall only wake up once or twice more before the end of all things for you and be as helpful as I used to be.  Do you still have your ring?

I'm glad you've kept me out of the book.  It would have been suicide to include my part in it... though I do hope you've discussed at least some of it without linking and attribution, even if it isn't funny.

I don't know who the Englishman is, or even if he's English.  Or a man for that matter.  You should know, if you don't already, that Callie was planning (and may have been successful) in frankensteining Klixcilitep with a derivative of the Star Sapphire.  I can't see how it would have worked, but if it did you definitely have a new one.  But you know how memory works.  Maybe it's been there this whole time and Callie's weird ritual was to the point of granting you comfort more than it was to change anything.

You should be nice to her, Katherine.  She loves you dearly.

By the way, don't take the neurontin anymore.



p.s.: it might be francis. more later.

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