
Brandeis University and National Security

This is going to be a short post.

Enough time has passed that I can finally share what I know about a certain Brandeis University policy:

When I worked at Brandeis, I had access to an enormous amount of information about the internal function of the university, as I was partially responsible for the whirling shitstorm that is their Peoplesoft implementation.

Among the many, many problems I had with that school, its staff and its policies was the fact that every time the department of homeland security wanted any sort of information on any student of middle eastern descent, Brandeis would hand it over immediately and without question or fight. In fact, I was aware of at least one student that was watched very closely during his/her entire time at Brandeis, completely unaware. He/she of course hadn't done anything to warrant this profound privacy breach other than having brown skin and a funny name.

And the politically correct, feminist, right-thinking staff at Brandeis thought that it was just peachy to roll over and take it up the ass from the feds, while at the same time most other Boston institutes of higher education were fighting the feds as hard as they could--and as publicly as they could.

All of this was around 2003-2004. I wasn't involved in the handing over of this information by the nutless, spineless, weak headed staff at Brandeis. But I heard them talking about it nervously from time to time around the office, obviously knowing that what they were doing was wrong, and feeling very guilty about it.

But they did it anyway.

Of everything that happened during my short experience with Brandeis University, this one is by far the most revolting.

I'm leaving this post open to spiders. I hope some of the people I worked with eventually find this post and understand that their ironic roles in this blasphemy. A Jewish university handing over personal information about innocent kids to the federal government for purposes of national security is vaguely reminiscent of something that no one has any business forgetting.

Keywords: Brandeis University peoplesoft oracle PEAK ITS fuckheads